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     I could say SO MANY things about this shoot, but I don't want to talk your ears off, so I'll just say this: Having the incredible opportunity to photograph this couple was one of my highlights for this year. Stephanie and I have known each other for almost ten years (WOW!!) We've gone through a lot of life together and in all that time I don't think I've ever seen her so happy. Alex seems to bring out the best in her -- I know, super corny, but it's so incredibly true. Photographing them together was like stepping into a timeless romance. It's a similar feel with all of my couples, each one is unique and they all carry a different form of intimacy. I think that's probably my favorite part of capturing their special moments. I love watching them interact and getting a front row seat into the lives of so many awesome people.


     This shoot was interesting because I was given the opportunity to be a part of something so much bigger than myself. With Steph and Alex, each photo brought something different to the table -- I was able to see them laugh and be themselves with one another. They were cracking jokes and speaking tenderly, the air was electric with joy. I asked Alex to whisper something funny in her ear and immediately Steph said, "we all know I'm the funny one!" We were all cracking up because, well, it was true. Stephanie has always had a really awesome sense of humor and I could tell that was one of the many things Alex loved about her. 


     I truly hope you enjoy these photos, they were a labor of love, as each photo I take is, and it was DEFINITELY a day that I will not soon forget. 






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