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Coronado + Sea Port Village // Sunset Engagement 

// Jazmine & Eli


First off, let me preface this by saying how epic this couple is -- I might be a little biased since Jazmine is my cousin, but really, look at how cute they are together! Their smiles light up a room and it's clear how in love they are with one another. 


There is something so magical about being engaged. your love is still so new and fresh and you're looking forward to the rest of your life with your best friend. I think that's why I am so obsessed with engagement photography. Being able to capture the love you feel as a moment that you can hold onto forever is THE BEST feeling. 


This shoot was touch and go for a while -- SoCal has been experiencing some slight rain and I wasn't sure if we were going to have good shooting weather. But Praise the Lord! The day of our session, I checked the weather once again, praying it would be somewhat clear, and it was! We had an incredible time laughing and playing. It was really amazing to see the smiles on Jazmine and Eli's faces as they created memoried together -- with their adorable daughter! Seriously, how adorable is she!? 


Once the pre-photoshoot jitters were out of their system  (and mine!) nothing could stop us. The end result: moments that will last a lifetime -- and pictures capturing every minute of it. 


If you love going on insane adventures and having a blast with your love, let's chat! I'd love to hear from you! 





-Michaela â€‹

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